Friday, 21 May 2021

pink shirt day kindness

                                                               BEING KIND!

Pink Shirt Day | Mental Health Foundation

Hey bloggers today i'll be talking about kindness.Being kind is a good way for People when their upset,worried or sad give them your smile so the world can be an better place to stay.


  1. Kia Ora Demetrius. You are right, the world will be a better place if everyone shows kindness and a smile is such an easy thing to do that! Good job!

  2. Hi Demetrius it's Kapiri from Room 7,
    I really like your blog post about being kind and yes your right, the world would be better if everyone showed kindness.
    What would you do to show kindness?

  3. Kia Ora Demetrius i'm Ebad from room 23
    your right people should stop bullying it really isn't nice I don't see anything wrong with the color pink. I mean why do people think its a girl color it can be a boy color too nobody said it couldn't be. A boy color thats all I have to say goodbye.

  4. Hi bloggers, thank you for all the kind words. Being kind is a good way to help people to show love , respect and kindness. I strongly believe that showing a bit of kindness helps the world be a better place. It also helps those having a hard time see lightness through all darkness when you show a little bit of kindness. I encourage us all to show our peers an act of kindness this week.

  5. Kia ora. I am Baxter from St Mary’s School.
    You are right we really do need to stop bullying because it is not nice and sometimes scars people for life. It is a horrible thing for people to do.
    Please visit my blog
    Mā te wā

  6. Hi Harry Here, I really like the message its very good to be kind and stop bullies. Have you given anyone one of your smiles?. I also really like this post blog ya later.
