Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Monday, 16 August 2021

Dodge ball

 Hi people my name is Demetrius and today we are going to talk about german dodgeball this is very cool and very fun we always do dodge ball after morning tea and we practice about three games of dodge ball we are playing a tournoment and it is tied it is eight to eight it was very hard and I tried my best it's so hard cause when people go out everyone yells at me but I just ignore them Me,Ted,Kaynin,William are the best in our team and the best people in the other team is probably Milo,Eddy,Hiwwat,Mackenzie,Miller,Luka and thats it i hope you read this next time what should I post.

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Hundred word story

 Once a upon a time there was an prince called cleetus he was a very kind king but one day there was an big virus going around the city and one night the king made an video for sending help and the video cut and he was gone all the ppl was telling cleetus’s father what happened.and he send some of his guards to visit his city and they went to find him and they saw him as titan they shouted “cleetus its us” then he turned back to human and said thank you for all ur help.end