Monday, 29 March 2021

House getting destroying!!

The whole class went to check out THIS EPIC HOUSE getting destroy by a bulldozer.The whole house was already destroyed by the bulldozer.The bulldozer was gone when lunch time was finish and that's all for today's post blog you later bloggers.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

4 screenshots

 :to make a screenshot is press ctrl + shift + window switcher to make screenshots like mine! blog you later bloggers

Thursday, 11 March 2021

meet my insect

 kia ora bloggers meet my insect spider he is a smart and clever spider he can make webs and traps for flies 

he can also trap big insect by making more webs and more he has 8 legs and has 4 you later bloggers

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

meet my brother Blobby wings

 kia ora bloggers here is a photo of my brother and me,commet this post if you want to see the real photo

he is 1 year old and has 6 teeth and has two fat legs,chubby arms and a big head blog you later.